Digital Content Best Practices
How to create content that’s good for humans.
It’s in our name, Ethical Digital. We provide digital content for our clients that is effective and ethical.
Want to know our secrets? Here’s how we do it.
Think of the Internet as an extension of society.
The Internet isn’t an entirely new world in which anything goes. Rather, we understand that it is a new dimension of the world around us. Real people are behind the screens and we're responsible for maintaining authentic human kindness.
Stick to the same standards online as in public.
Online or not, we respect the universal values that society has in place and uphold the Golden Rule of treating others as one wants to be treated. We choose to act with courtesy, kindness, and openness, and our online behaviours reflect these values. We consciously act within the laws and ethical manners of society when on the Internet.
Do not tolerate abuse and harassment while online.
We accept the laws which are currently in place to protect the rights and dignity of citizens, and we reflect and uphold these rights in the extended environment. We refuse to empower any forms of harassment, theft, bullying, or discrimination while online.
Acknowledge and celebrate cultural differences.
The beauty of the Internet is connecting with people globally. Even when national boundaries no longer apply, cultural respect and tolerance remain. We accept that the social values and norms of some people will not mirror the social values and norms of all. We use inclusive language and encourage diversity within our online (and offline) community.
Fact-check before posting or reposting.
Not everything you read on the Internet is true. We aim to be a source of truth for everything we share for ourselves and our clients. Relying on academia, trustworthy sources, and respected individuals and organizations, our commitment to honest information is evident in everything we create.
Misinformation runs wild online. Find tools to recognize and combat it in this past webinar.
Be transparent.
We share our vision, mission, and goals to ensure that our presence and behaviour on the internet align with our intentions. High communication is essential within our team, with our clients, and with our audience to provide clarity and build trust.
We want to attract like-minded people to partner with, work with, and create content for.
Emphasize web accessibility.
The World Health Organization estimates that 16% of the world's population lives with a disability of some kind. We are curious about how we can turn the vast internet space into one that’s usable, accessible, and comprehensible for all people. Audio and visual experiences can be challenging, so we actively seek solutions for accommodating ranges of disabilities and sensitivities.
Is your website accessible to people with disabilities? We can help make sure it is with the amazing Userway tool! Check it out today.
We make people a priority.
We respect people’s privacy, property, and feelings. At the core of it all, we are all human. The connections and possibilities created by and within the internet are incredibly valuable, but we understand that none of it is possible without making people a priority.