Explore important questions about the digital space

In the time of "fake news," we think it is especially important to partner with academic institutions and the people dedicated to researching the best answers and solutions.
We help with knowledge mobilization, a fancy way of saying we work with bright industry experts and then use our communications superpowers to share the results.
Our Past Research
We partnered with the Diversity Institute, Mitacs and the National Angel Capital Association to research how to encourage more women into careers in Venture Capital. Read Report
We worked with the University of Saskatchewan to compile all of the academic research we could find from around the world about how social media affects wellbeing. Learn More
With funding from Women and Gender Equality Canada, we researched how technology ecosystems can be more welcoming for Indigenous women (and we acted on it). Check it out

Need research for a digital question? Contact us to see if we can help you out.