SAISIA’s Ask a Knowledge Keeper Video Resource for Newcomers

The Saskatchewan Association of Immigrant Settlement and Integration Agencies (SAISIA) has created a video geared towards newcomers, framing Canadian citizenship through the lens of an Indigenous perspective. The video is part of a wider national project to connect newcomer agencies to Indigenous values. 

The SAISIA team spoke to three Knowledge Keepers, Andre Letendre, Maria Linklater, and Lyndon J. Linklater, recording their stories, perspectives, and views on fighting racism. The goal is to have newcomer agencies and Indigenous groups and communities connect. After this, we hope this video will shed some light on Indigenous experiences and provide insights for newcomers and the general Canadian population. 

Ethical Digital was proud to participate in this meaningful project. We were lucky to work with the videography artistry of Okiki Consulting, proudly run by Fiyin Obayan. From our CEO, Katrina German: “It was a very collaborative, warm environment where I felt privileged to receive a lot of the knowledge firsthand from the Knowledge Keepers. It provided depth to my own understanding of racism in Saskatchewan.”

So, without further ado, explore the video here. Find it in English or French, and sign language is provided!  


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