Indigenous Women In Tech


2.2 % of the Canadian tech workforce is Indigenous and even fewer of those are women.

Disruption: Changing Saskatchewan’s Tech Ecosystem to Empower Indigenous Women

We interviewed over 100 Indigenous Women to understand their thoughts on working in technology

As part of phase one of the project, Ethical Digital interviewed and surveyed 123 Indigenous women to better understand the challenges and barriers that deter them from pursuing careers in technology. 

Our data indicates that Indigenous women in Saskatchewan are comfortable with technology. 

The question then becomes, why are Indigenous women not proportionally represented in the tech industry? Or, what about the tech industry is not attractive to Indigenous women?



The report has been shared around North America through social media, an email campaign and traditional media. 

Our Facebook page continues to unite people interested in Indigenous Women in Tech

Learn about one of our advisors, Sharon Angus, and her journey into a career in technology: NITA IT Symposium video

NITA IT Symposium video


There were many people involved in this project. Thank you to Tara Oliver, Alexandra Jarrett and Alina Perrault for their excellent research and project coordination.

Indigenous Women in Tech Project Advisory Committee

Milton Tootoosis

Saskatoon Regional Economic Development Authority 

Ryan Thomas

Co-Owner, Indigenous Tech

Max Skudra

Partner, Mokwateh

Alex Shimla

ED, Co.Labs

Suz Galloway

Alina Perrault

Project Coordinator, Ethical Digital

Katrina German

Founder/CEO, Ethical Digital

Shelley Pinacie

Regional Community Relations Lead, Argyle

Leanne Bellegarde

President, Akawe Technologies

Sharon Angus

IT Instructor, SIIT

Kari Harvey

CEO, Innovation Sask

Rebecca Franklin

Program Lead, Agtech & SCALE


So, we pulled together the research and the right people - how can we create technology tools to change this situation and see more Indigenous women involved in technology development?

The Indigenous Women in Tech Hackathon! 

The Indigenous Women in Tech Hackathon


This project was made possible by funding from Women and Gender Equality Canada. Although the initial funding is now complete, the momentum is still building!

Our partners at
Saskatchewan Indigenous Development Network are now leading the next stages of this project. We can’t wait to see the momentum grow over the next few years as Saskatchewan leads the world in Indigenous Technology development.

Interested in getting involved?

Please feel free to contact: Alina Perrault, Project Coordinator