Ethical Digital Practices

Bringing ethics into content that converts and engages

In the digital age, ethics in content creation are more crucial than ever. Our mission is to change the trajectory of the internet, so we're dedicated to setting the standard for ethical practices online. We create content that is informative, truthful, and overall good for humans! 

Looking to bring ethics to the forefront of your organization? Here is how our team integrates ethical practices into content that not only engages and converts but also respects and uplifts our audience. Check out the resources and practices we live by for our clients and ourselves.



Did you know that 61 million adults in the U.S. live with a disability? Ignoring this substantial market segment can mean missing out on significant engagement and revenue. That’s why we’ve collaborated with UserWay, a leader in web accessibility solutions. This group ensures websites are accessible to the broadest possible audience, adhering to the latest accessibility standards. Learn more about our partnership and the importance of web accessibility here.


In an era where fake news frequently makes headlines, the need for credible, well-researched information has never been more critical. We’re committed to cutting through the noise. We partner with top-tier academic institutions and dedicated researchers to bring you solutions rooted in the best available evidence.

Our approach involves what we like to call knowledge mobilization. This means we gather insights from brilliant minds in the industry and use our platform to broadcast these findings far and wide. Let’s dive into three of our most exciting research initiatives currently making waves:

  • Indigenous Women in Tech (IWT): We’re on a mission to boost the number of Indigenous women in tech, starting right here in Saskatchewan and aiming to make an impact across Canada. We’ve engaged deeply with the community, interviewing over 100 Indigenous women to understand their experiences and barriers in the tech industry. Our findings are compiled in the IWT Tech Report, which sheds light on these challenges and offers actionable recommendations to break down these barriers. We even took it further and put our research to work with the Reconciling Tech Hackathon! We brought Indigenous women and community partners together to problem-solve the following challenge: How do we successfully increase and sustain the number of Indigenous women working in the tech field? It was a beautiful and impactful two days. Check out the YouTube video here—and bring your tissues! 

  • The Allyship: While industries embrace diversity and equity, women are still vastly underrepresented in Venture Capital firms. This disparity stems from systemic barriers and a slow pace of change within the industry. We are determined to speed up this progress. Our goal? To see women make up at least 30% of the workforce in Venture Capital, moving us closer to true gender parity in the field. 

  • Social Media and Well-Being: We know that social media’s effects are pervasive in today’s society. So, Ethical Digital partnered with the University of Saskatchewan and set out to find research-based answers on how to mitigate this. This project aims to create a vast database of academic research on the effects of social media use, contributing to a healthier, more informed approach to digital consumption.

Should you drop everything and dive into a lengthy research project? Not necessarily. However, we highly recommend staying updated on the current research in your field so you can stay ethical and informed.

Alternative Text

Alternative text (alt text) describes an image on a page—2e’ve certainly all come across it in our online travels. Its purpose is to provide both people and search engines with more information. We believe social media should be accessible to all, including those with visual impairments. That's why we ensure every image on our Instagram feed includes alt text. This simple yet powerful practice helps screen readers describe images, enabling visually impaired users to enjoy a fuller experience of our content. Learn more about the importance of alt text in this article!

Avoiding FOMO Messaging

In a world with digital anxiety, we choose a different path. Instead of capitalizing on fears of missing out with phrases like "Hurry before you miss out!" or "You’ve got to have this right now!", we use language that is inclusive and welcoming. Phrases like "We’re so excited to include you!" or "Let’s chat when you’re ready to dive in," invite interaction without pressure. For more on how we do this, check out our blog, FOMO No More.

Digital Marketing Services

Our agency is pleased to enhance the accessibility of our clients' digital strategies. Through our messaging, marketing, website design, and more, we ensure our clients remain reputable and inclusive. Our commitment extends to the visual aspects of digital content. The graphics we create are designed to be easy on the eyes—not just aesthetically but also in terms of readability and comprehension. By considering factors like font size, colour contrast, and visual hierarchy, we make sure our visuals are accessible to viewers with diverse visual capabilities.

In addition, we conduct thorough inclusion audits to assess and improve the accessibility of websites. Our team provides tailored recommendations to ensure websites are navigable and understandable for people with disabilities and those with low literacy skills. Whether you're building a site on your own, collaborating with another agency, or engaging us to implement updates, we specialize in ensuring your digital presence meets accessibility standards.

By embedding these ethical practices into our digital marketing strategies, we do more than just enhance user experience—we cultivate a more inclusive and respectful digital environment. Our commitment isn’t merely about keeping up with trends; it's about setting a standard for the future of digital content. Join us as we continue to innovate and implement practices that make the digital world accessible and welcoming to everyone.


How Social Media Impacts Teen Well-Being


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