For Businesses


Are you a small or medium sized business business owner or entrepreneur?

Let Us Help You

  • Are you looking for professional development for your team?

  • Do you want training to increase your team’s productivity (especially around social media use)?

  • Do you want to build culture and morale for your team with interactive workshops?

We’ve got you covered

We have several training options such as keynotes, workshops or interactive online training. Our most popular for businesses are:

The Social Media Spiral:

Balancing Engagement and Mental Wellness in the Workplace.

Explore the social media spiral and how it relates to our engagement and mental wellness in the workplace. Our expert speaker will share their insights and strategies for finding balance, setting boundaries, and managing the effects of social media use in the workplace.

Resist the Rabbit Hole:

The Effects of Social Media on Productivity

Dive into the latest research on the effects of social media on our productivity and well-being. You will learn about the potential pitfalls of social media use, such as procrastination and disrupted sleep, and discover strategies for managing your social media use to enhance your productivity.

Leveraging the Power of LinkedIn:

A Masterclass for Professionals and Businesses

Maximize your professional network and boost your career by mastering the art of LinkedIn. You'll learn how to optimize your profile, grow your network, and leverage LinkedIn's powerful sales tools to advance the goals of your company.

Digital Marketing for Good:

How to use the Action Tracking System to Get More Clients

‘Action Tracking: Master Your Digital Marketing Strategy in Under 30 Days’ is the ultimate tell-all guidebook intended for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and intrapreneurs who are in charge of their digital strategy.

Get discounted access to training courses by joining the Ethical Certification community. It’s free to join!

Learn more about our online self-directed learning, live keynote presentations, or interactive workshops.



Online Training

of workers consider training and development opportunities an organization’s most important policy.


Companies that invest in training have a 24% higher profit margin

of employees would stick with an organization longer if it invested in their training


Source: Team Stage

Contact us to see if we’re the right fit for your team or event.

This is our Training Process

Each team member will reflect on their own experiences with social media and online communications to understand how they are currently engaging with others.

Identify Patterns

Participants will learn about the impact of their social media use and online communications on productivity and mental health - for themselves and for others.

Analyze Impact

Team members will be empowered to take control of the future of their content, products, and solutions by creating actionable, equitable, and accessible online messaging.

Shift Behaviours

Contact Us for More Information

  • Katrina was one of the keynote speakers at our 12th Annual Women in Business Workshop series and her presentation on Digital Market appealed to the audience. An array of tools with real time examples of usage gave our participants much to take back to their businesses and jobs. After she finished her presentation the main question was when we would be bringing her back!

    Community Futures Visions North LaRonge

  • Katrina German is an excellent speaker and expert in her field. I had the pleasure of attending her recent presentation on productivity and social media, I was impressed by the depth of her knowledge and insights, as well as her ability to engage and connect with the audience. Katrina has a dynamic and thought-provoking speaking style that kept the audience engaged throughout her presentation. Her practical advice and insights on how to use social media effectively and productively were incredibly valuable, both in personal and professional life. I would recommend Katrina as a speaker to others who are interested. Her engaging speaking style, coupled with her expertise and wealth of knowledge make her an excellent choice.

    - Ashlee Romich

  • Katrina was our Keynote speaker for our Summer Send-off event that consisted of a staff and faculty from various programs Saskatchewan Polytechnic. Katrina shared an important message on balancing technology and life - as many of us head into summer holidays her message was appreciated as we try to unwind. She used humour and facts to engage the audience. It was so well received that she is joining us for our Fall kickoff and a few other events! Katrina presented about her Action Tracking program to two groups of artists and craftspeople who we work with. She was highly engaging and was great in presenting both about the overarching approach and coaching our participants on the step-by-steps of how to implement it. They left energized. Katrina was an absolute pleasure to have in our community as a guest speaker. I could not wait to get home and test out all the helpful suggestions she gave. If you ever have the chance to see her speak I highly recommend you do, you will not be disappointed!!

    Quote Source

Contact us to see if we’re a fit for your professional development needs.